Thank you for your brave and fearless leadership. You ore a fantastic role model for all those seeking to understand how to make an impact with their life. History of Pakistan shall never be completed without acknowledging the selfless services you have rendered to the nation. Your vision and direction is exactly what we need today
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif born on 25th December, 1947 shares the date of birth with Hazrat Issa A.S. and Quaid-E-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, on the footsteps of two great unmatchable personalities is loved, praised & followed by millions.
He has displayed the traits of hard work, steadfastness, uprightness, honesty and courage throughout his life, whether in his professional or political career. Hailing from a business family of Lahore, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, the only three time elected prime minister of Pakistan, is the symbol of love & affection for and by the people of Pakistan.
His political career is a brilliant example of a roadmap for the development & welfare of the people of Pakistan, without ever compromising on the principles & supremacy of constitution & sanctity of vote. No matter, how tumultuous the situation, he is known to face & resolve the issues with calmness & according to the will of the people, whether it be decision of carrying out atomic tests despite the threats & offers from the superpower or taking the terrorism head-on, defeating it & restoring peace in ex-FATA & Karachi.
In parallel to that, he is hailed as builder of Modern-Roshan Pakistan by undertaking projects like motorways, power plants, healthcare initiative under Pakistan Health Card & strengthening the cordial & friendly global relations with foreign policy based on equal status.
Even your worst critics admit that if it were not you, Pakistan would have been far behind in progress & people would still be suffering from hours long load shedding, gas outages, poor & outdated infrastructure. It was only under your leadership that Pakistan broke the shackles of regressive mindset & was predicted to be the sixth largest economy of the world, if the growth started under your leadership was not disrupted by conspiracies & brought to sudden halt by the anti-people government.
On your 72nd Birthday, the people of Pakistan take this opportunity to thank you for your services to the country & people and wish you;
Happy Birthday Mian Sahib of your supporters and quaid of people of Pakistan.
Happy Birthday father of Maryam Nawaz and Bao Ji of Kalsoom Bibi.
Bao Ji, we love you and we know that Nawaz Sharif loves us Too.
We pray for your long healthy life and have trust in Allah that you will come back to lead your people out of the mess created by incompetent lot and have no doubt that you will have your rightful place in history of Pakistan.