PML-N Vice President Punjab Rana Mashhood Ahmad Khan hosted an event to mark the successful year of Horizon magazine. Saira Bano, the coordinator of PML-N’s Research Wing, managed the proceedings. The event included speeches from Senator Irfan Siddiqui, PML-N Information Secretary Marriyum Aurangzeb, Senator Nehal Hashmi, and Rana Mashhood Ahmad Khan.
The speakers acknowledged Rana Mashhood Ahmad Khan’s initiatives in establishing the Research Wing, providing a platform for research-based policy inputs. The wing consists of a Research and Policy Planning Unit and the Horizon magazine team. The magazine has been registered as PML-N’s official publication with the Election Commission of Pakistan.
Senator Irfan Siddiqui commended the Horizon and research teams for their role in developing the PML-N manifesto. Information Secretary Marriyum Aurangzeb commended the growth of Horizon magazine from a newsletter into a professional publication.
Musa Rana gave a presentation on Horizon’s website analytics and social media outreach during 2023. At the event, attendees subscribed to the magazine using a QR code. This marked a strategic move to enhance subscriptions and engagement with the magazine.
In conclusion, the celebration not only highlighted Horizon magazine’s accomplishments but also emphasised PML-N’s commitment to transparent communication and informed discourse within its ranks and broader audience.